Commercial property in Jenbach for rent


Total area:
Parking spaces:
Usable from:
on request


Commerical property in Jenbach for rent:

  • Schalserstraße in Jenbach
  • first floor: approx. 64 m²
  • incl. 2 parking lots
  • monthly rent: on request!
  • agency commission: 3 monthly gross rents + taxes

For further information, please contact us!
+ 43 5283 20 18 or

Rent excluding bills: Price on request

Adress: Jenbach, Österreich

Rechtlicher Hinweis:
Legal notice:
The non-binding offer is made to you by the company Immobilien Scheffauer GmbH, which is active as a real estate agent. All information has been carefully researched and is based on information provided by third parties. For this no liability is taken over. In accordance with the FAGG (Fern- und Auswärtsgeschäfte-Gesetz) and the VRUG (Verbraucherrechte-Richtlinien-Umsetzungsgesetz), appointments can only be made after receipt of a written request with complete contact details.
Contact us:

Immobilien Scheffauer GmbH
Dorfstraße 11
6273 Ried im Zillertal
Tel.: +43 (0) 5283 20 18

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